C J's Elegance is a women's boutique and it caters to an older sophisticated um woman , but CJ two is targeted specifically to a younger demographic or the young at heart . We're an open store . So just transition both sides and women shout both sides all the time .
But CJ two is targeted specifically to a younger demographic or the young at heart . We're an open store . So just transition both sides and women shout both sides all the time .
But CJ Two is targeted specifically to a younger demographic or the young at heart . We're an open store . You just transition both sides and women shout both sides all the time .
You know , making things that in Europe they only produce , you know , and we are known for our dark chocolate and our truffles we blasted on Instagram , what I was producing and what was available each day and every single day , the local community in Huntington Beach came out and they supported us when it felt right . We decided that it was time to open up a storefront where we can showcase all of the things that we make . This is your passion .
So in the words of mean girls get in loser , we're going shopping with our sponsor Kra . So is a store that kind of has everything that you need . We have 13 different locations spread across three different states and this Northridge location is our newest location .